The 2024 Work Program

This year, ABAC adopted the theme “People. Business. Prosperity.”

The 2024 Work Program will have the following initial areas of focus:

Regional Economic Integration Working Group
  • Revitalizing the strategy towards FTAAP and regional trade architecture
  • Advancing digital trade and a new service agenda
  • Creating an enabling investment environment through investment facilitation practices
  • Modernizing tax systems in the era of the digital economy
Sustainability Working Group
  • Securing food sustainability and advancing responsible natural resource management
  • Fostering circular economy practices and effective waste management
  • Driving the shift to low-carbon economies and energy transition
  • Enhancing natural disaster risk preparedness and building robust infrastructure
Human Development Working Group
  • Strengthening pensions and healthcare systems
  • Boosting digital transformation for human and skills development
  • Advancing financial inclusion

Detailed recommendations will be developed during the course of the 2024 focus areas identified in the work program. ABAC’s recommendations will be conveyed to APEC governments through a range of avenues including to APEC Senior Officials, Trade, SME and Finance Ministers and directly to APEC Economic Leaders at the annual Dialogue with APEC Leaders.